This morning read an article from The Star paper. An US graduate Malaysian is coming back home in a 2 wheels. Yes, far from the States, crossing the continents, cycling alone back to Malaysia. The crazy guy, Law Tzuo Hann, 22 is now finishing the rides across the State from LA to Washington DC in 38 days, and continue his journey in Dublin, Ireland. Frankly, I envy and respect this guy, the passion, the strong mentality he has. When I first read his website, when I saw all his photos taken along his journey, it really touch my heart deeply. I wish I could have done something like him. But of course maybe not in a bike. I wish I could have backpacking alone/with a partner across the world. But I know, my chance now dropped to 0.1%. I'm trying to track him all the way back. I can't do it by myself, but I hope, through him, I can get some experiences of him to fill up my empty dream, a missing part in my life, maybe.
I really keen to know how he can overcome all the obstacles along his tough journey in detail. From his website, he sleep in bushes, garden, corridors. If you, too, want to follow his track, you can get into his site
4 months ago