Monday, December 31, 2007



回顾,一年前所定下的目标,50-60%都实现了,对我来说,还可以吧。因为通常我都会把目标 SET 高一点的, 哈哈哈。

明年,明天,一定要好好的plan 好一年的"行程"。2008年尾,希望可以实现另一个重大的决择。这决定会带来什么后遗症,我不知道;可能,身边的人有的不是那么认同,但为了实现我这么多年来一直很想实现的愿望,我会尽能力去做。希望我会成功!

顺祝所有我认识,认识我,我不认识的朋友们,Happy New Year!!



跟着,要数HINDRAF 的Protest. 老实说,真的很想再多几个大集会,让政府知道人民不是逆来顺受,容忍是有限度的。当被压逼得太过,会有很大的反弹。虽然,这样可能会造就一些经济上,或国家形像的损失,但有的事就是不能两全其美!

再来,就是国家花了大笔人民的血汗钱去让一个"太空人"去太空旅游。更贴切的应该叫"太空船乘搭者",因为他就像我付钱搭Taxi去某个地方,再在途中车上吃Roti Canai & Satay, 还到处宣扬。简直不知所为,我一点也不感到沾光!

还有的,也不就是,收费大道要起价,油价又起,薪水没有起,年年如一。大道现款收费Counter比SmartTag, Touch n Go,永远都比较多,不知道什么道理? 是因为要养一班"四脚笨动物"吗? Uncle Samy 也不知道会不会读Contract的,是又签,不是又签,搞到年年大道公司吵起价,国家又说要贴多少亿。我"呸"!!

接着,VK林肯的Video, 再来大马留台生黄明志的<< Negarakuku >>, 超棒的,相信华裔95%的都认同,我相信不止华人,马来人也有很多会认同的,只是有的人还是为了饭碗不肯认同。

好了,'07年最后一个post. 新年快乐!!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


"爽啊爽......爽啊......爽啊 ......"

爽的家人頓時泣不成聲: 爽死了啦!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

So Long, my little peace

Very sadly, my little one, Danny passed away. I'm not quite sure what is the cause. But I suspect it was choked, because I saw his throat was swelling.

I fed them in the morning before I went to office, they still okay, but at night when I reached home, Danny was dead.

Now I'm worried whether Dee Dee will stays after losing a partner/friend. Or should I get another one for her?

I buried Danny in my front yard. I wish Danny rest peace under the grave yard. Let's pray together...."Omi Tuofuo"

Monday, November 12, 2007


内疚,有点内疚。因为我间接的造成我的朋友被掠夺匪抢去了手提包。话说事发当晚,我约了朋友吃晚饭。我们约好了在Puchong Bandar Puteri 的Giant等。因为我要去商场里面的提款机提款,过后我又去寻找一些用品,所以便叫朋友把车子泊好,再走进来会合。天知道,那XXX的两个王八蛋,竟然骑着电单车从后面把朋友的包包给抢去了。朋友也跌倒擦伤了手肘。如果我们直接在停车场会合后,就去吃晚饭的话,可能就能避免一切的发生吧。


送朋友去诊疗所清洗伤口,取消所有的ATM 和 Credit Card后,医了肚子,便去警局报案。到了警局向一个"2柴"的警察报案后,大概花了1小时,因为等他运用左右各一指神功 (练到真的比太极还到家)。运功完毕后,竟然叫我们到另一间警局见另一个"3柴"。到了第二间警局,在那"3柴"的房外的仙境,烟霾弥漫,吸了20分钟的仙气,才有能见到那"3柴"高官。等他再运马来西亚警察派的独门神功左右各一指,问回同样的问题,写了份报告,签了个大名,方能离开。


有趣的是,刚巧当时电视播放着<<无间道II>> (Infernal Affairs II),我在想,谁会是警察卧底"刘健明"?哈哈哈。。。

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Danny & Dee Dee

欢迎我的家族新成员 - Danny & Dee Dee.

记得两年前还在槟城生活时,已有个念头想收养Star Tortoise. 但毕竟是小生命,不可以要养就养,不要就丢一旁,所以就没有行动。最近,机缘下又给我和它们碰上了,终于我也决定买下它们了。一只雄,一只雌;一只叫Danny, 一只叫Dee Dee,两只都只有4-5个月大,大约只有五十仙钱币大一点。

好了,既然买了,就希望它俩快乐生活、长命百岁! 所以,近日都常浏览一些饲养Star Tortoise 的相关网页,以期能把它们照顾得健健康康的。有时想,不知道能不能活到我孩子那一代、甚至孙子的那一代呢?

Friday, September 14, 2007


The Year of Jacky Cheung World Tour In Malaysia 07
@ Bukit Jalil Stadium, 14th Sept 2007, 8.30pm

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Paul Potts ... you've got talent

Came across with something interesting on the internet. It is all about Paul Potts. A mobile phone salesman that has stunned the judges of Britain's Got Talent TV show with his rendition of an opera classic.
The judges weren’t initially impressed, but when he sang he blew them away. Paul received a standing ovation from the audience of the entire auditorium and praises from the hard-to-please judges. Some of the audience reduced to tears after his performance.

When I first listen to the Youtube’s MV, I was using my earphone. As I listening to his singing, "wow"...I can “hear” the sound from his heart. The sounds from ear-plugs straight to my heart. It does touch my heart and nearly made me tears. I can’t remember when was the last time a singing can make me tears dropped.
Paul isn’t handsome, he is overweight and with the basset hound eyes, he is not charming, but definitely he got talent. An extraordinary talent that granted to him by God.
With this, it makes me feel stronger to believe that one must has some intrinsic capability or talent, just the matter of time when you discover it or discovered by others. Throw the question back to myself, what’s my capability? Is it discovered? Hmm…. Don’t know…
Sometimes dreams do come true. Sometimes dreams come true for people who truly deserve to have them come true.

Friday, August 31, 2007


当时心想,其实自己已经很好命了,有瓦遮雨、有车代步、有三餐温饱。路上有时看到一辆电单车,载着一家两大两小,或者两大三小,其实他们的生活应该比我现在的难过几倍吧! 但时不时,看到一些身边的朋友,买大车、大屋,一年到处旅游几次,还是会很羡慕。其实眼红别人,是因为本身的修养不够。老实说,真的很不应该。但,人,就是这样子的嘛....

Monday, July 23, 2007

Crazy guy on a bike

This morning read an article from The Star paper. An US graduate Malaysian is coming back home in a 2 wheels. Yes, far from the States, crossing the continents, cycling alone back to Malaysia. The crazy guy, Law Tzuo Hann, 22 is now finishing the rides across the State from LA to Washington DC in 38 days, and continue his journey in Dublin, Ireland. Frankly, I envy and respect this guy, the passion, the strong mentality he has. When I first read his website, when I saw all his photos taken along his journey, it really touch my heart deeply. I wish I could have done something like him. But of course maybe not in a bike. I wish I could have backpacking alone/with a partner across the world. But I know, my chance now dropped to 0.1%. I'm trying to track him all the way back. I can't do it by myself, but I hope, through him, I can get some experiences of him to fill up my empty dream, a missing part in my life, maybe.
I really keen to know how he can overcome all the obstacles along his tough journey in detail. From his website, he sleep in bushes, garden, corridors. If you, too, want to follow his track, you can get into his site

Sunday, July 08, 2007

My Wedding Car... car... so nice, don't you think so?? Yup, you are right, that's my new baby car! But the groom is not me of course, hahaa!! Yea, is my good old buddy, Siew Heng's wedding, he is using my car as his wedding car. Also, I am his bestman!! First time be the bestman, hehehe...
The back of the wedding car after a pouring rain
The pretty good looking bridesmaids
This is the "welcome food" prepared by the bridesmaids. Got disposable underwear, orange, sweet candies, coke, and....BANANA with full of wasabi!!!

All my secondary school-mates...what a big gang here!!

The wedding couple, Siew Heng & Chek Yee!! I wish them happy forever...!!!

The maid of honor & Me, the best-man. But we've forgotten to take photo together with the wedding couple...what a waste!

Thursday, June 14, 2007


電腦配件夥伴們的創意對話! 笑一笑 =P


Monday, May 14, 2007

family clubbing...

<< Family youngsters and Friends..!!
For the very first time, I went clubbing together with my family’s members. My sister, my brother, Cousin Adrian, and Cousin Quin from Australia. We had great fun at The IVY bar. Quin used to stay in my house for quite sometimes during his childhood. But then he left Malaysia and migrated to Australia since 4 years old. This round, he just had a short vacation, we don’t have much chance to catch up with each other. Anyway, we appreciate the time we spent together and we are looking forward to other opportunities in the near future.

<< Top: Brother,Sister & cousin Adrian!!
Bottom: Cousin Quin & I

Friday, May 11, 2007

My new toy!!

Last year, about this time, I bought myself a Seiko watch and a guitar. Again, this year, I bought myself a new toy, an adult’s toy as my birthday gift… hahaha. Now, I’ve upgraded to become a “mayor” (Datuk Bandar).. why?? Hehee.. because I am the owner of a city!!! Yea, I can’t deny, it is great to have this toy, but for the coming near years, I’ll be tied with the debts. Those who really know me well knew that I’ve been planning and took nearly ½ years to make the decision. I’ve given away all my everything, and gonna start all over again.. sign..!!!
No more vacation, no more luxury meals, no more toys & gadgets for years!!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

2 birthday c@kes

This year, I had 2 birthday cakes. One from my colleagues, the other from my lovely ex-housemates and friends.
During noon time, my colleagues and I went to “SteakOut” restaurant near by my office for my “first session” of celebration. I ordered a very nice combo steak set, I was really full after finishing it. Later we went back to office and had my mixed fruit cake.

Later in the evening, I had my second round of celebration with my friends. We went to Island café @ SS2 PJ. They prepared a cake for me, another mixed fruit cake. Also, I received my first and only present of the year – a cutie spectacle with a red nose and moustache.
I had a great time today. I would like to thank all my best friends and colleagues for celebrating my birthday. Also, I received many wishes and greeting emails or SMSs from friends, even from abroad. I’m glad to have all of them! Friendship forever..!!

Monday, March 12, 2007


朋友问我,为何这么久没有update blog了;也有的问我,近来所写的,都不是跟工作有关的,问我是不是工作都蛮愉快的?记得当我开始写这个blog时,可以说是我工作上的一个瓶颈。在我还未加入当下的公司,那也已是一年前的事了。当时很想离开旧公司,工作上很多烦恼的事,所以也在这blog里发了好一阵子的牢骚,发表过很多我当时对工作的看法。因为工作经验尚浅,加上肚里的笔墨有限,可以写的都写了,所以慢慢地转向了,哈哈!

其实,新年假期回来后,工作都很忙;当工作忙碌,各方的压力也就逼到了身边,老板的,客户的,加上自己给自己的。工作不如意,在哪一间公司做都不能避免的。有时也真的想放弃一切,让自己透透气。但是,世事很多都不由得我们说放弃就放弃。年纪越大,commitment 越多。现在的我,不再像以前刚踏入社会的小伙子般,鲁莽行事了,4年的工作,造就了控制自己情绪的能力吧!何况,不久将会作出一个重大计划,接着还有一连穿plan 好好的计划要实行(为了保持神秘感,不便在此公布)。其实,觉得自己有时做事想得太多、太遥远了,当要行动时,不是慢了,便是让机会白白给溜走了,后悔莫及!所以,要改要改。。。这一次的每一个计划,都得当机立断了!!既然有这么多的计划,休息?再多25,30年吧!!又或者找到一个富家千金,还可能可以少奋斗10年吧!哈哈哈!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


(吉隆坡,11日讯) 一班为数十多人的男女,同聚在Mid Valley 的 Chilli's Grill & Bar喧闹。相机的闪光灯不停地闪烁。



虽然,这次的聚会不是所有的鱼儿都能出席,也只是一个数小时的短暂一聚,但也已很不错了,感觉真的很好! 策划单位也要求出席者各自准备一份小礼物,来个礼物大交换!


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Kenangan Terindah

Pertama kali saya blog dengan Bahasa Melayu di sini. Sudah lama betul saya tak guna bahasa. Jadi, decided to start satu dekat sini. Namun, susah bagi saya blog 100% in bahasa. hahaha.... so, rojak saje la.
Recently, dengar satu lagu di radio, a Malay song. Suka sangat, tapi tak tau title song tu. No choice, jadi saya memorise lyrics lagu tu, lepas tu pergi google. Spent beberapa jam googling, akhirnya dapat juga.
Benda yang sukar dapat, mesti share dengan rakan...
so.. enjoy ya!! Of coz, sebelum tu, kena off James Blunt punya You're Beautiful baru play lagu ni la. Pandai-pandai la.. kawan

Kenangan Terindah
By: Samson

Aku yang lemah tanpamu
Aku yang rentan karena
Cinta yang tlah hilang darimu
Yang mampu menyanjungku
Selama mata terbuka
Sampai jantung tak berdetak

Selama itu pun
Aku mampu tuk mengenangmu
Kutemukan hidupku
Kau lah cinta sejati Ooh...

Bila yang tertulis untukku
Adalah yang terbaik untukmu
Kan kujadikan kau kenangan
Yang terindah dalam hidupku
Namun takkan mudah bagiku
Meninggalkan jejak hidupku
Yang tlah terukir abadi
Sebagai kenangan yang terindah

I think my malay sucks also...!!
If you find difficult to play from the embeded player above,
try this URL:Kenangan Terindah

Cool stunt!!
I like it very much.... Wanna try as well..
Must be watching too much of Fast & Furious...
or Initial-D!!

Saturday, February 03, 2007







Friday, February 02, 2007


嗯 朋友以前就是穿这样的,T-SHIRT +短裤+拖鞋.
当时还中五 他去追个女生 但那女的鸟都没鸟他
但是在那一年最后一堂补习 他老爸驾ferrari来载他
那女的反而追回他 哈哈...
他现在去college驾toyota AE86(整个bumper快掉下来那一种)




Tuesday, January 23, 2007


最近,裤头紧了.... 才发现,我那若隐若现的6块腹肌,竟然合而为一了,惨了! 虽然最近的运动量也不少,但就是忽略了腹部。好,我要努力做回 Sit-up 了!!hu ha hu ha...1 2 1 2... hu ha hu ha...

Thursday, January 11, 2007


没有拖拍的日子,我很积极的充实自己。从Badminton, squash, golf, guitar lesson, clubbing 到 blogging. 甚至 cooking, 放工后有时还会拿起锅铲炒两样菜来招呼自己的肚子。但还是有太多的空闲时间,因此还很想向一些高手学摄影、相理玄学。

摄影, 刚买的"傻瓜"又不能满足我,少了一部高性能的 digital SLR。拍来拍去,都是那么的两样。一点pro 的感觉都没有。终有一天,我会去拌一架 dSLR 回来;

相学,是因为想以它来辅助自己,改善运程,当今理所当然的是以事业与爱情为先吧!哈哈!其实不是迷信,只是好奇。万一真的准的话,我便可以远远看到人,便知道他是凶是吉。然后再转行更Joey Yap 抢饭吃罗。


Monday, January 01, 2007


yo yo yo... 小弟的blog 今天满一岁了咯!!! H@ppy BirthD@y..!!!
在这新的一年的开始,我想应该要有一些改变、一些突破。无论是在事业上、家庭方面、感情路上,甚至我的blog,也该有所改变。因此,在这里想要向大家宣布,此blog<<屋檐下的我>> 将改为<<屋檐下的四眼仔>>。