Monday, July 17, 2006

I conquered Gunung NuanG

Yesterday, together with friends, I conquered the highest mountain in Selangor, the Gunung Nuang at 1493m (4898feet).
Around 8.50am, 10 of us, we equipped ourselves with walkie-talkies, split into 4 groups (Eagle 1,2,3,4). We took about 3 and ½ hours to reach the 2nd base camp, Pacat Campsite by 12.20pm. We took 15 min break, and then we proceed to the summit. Unfortunately, some of the membes gave up before reaching the summit. They returned to the base camp.
However, Shu Yee, Michael and I insist to hit the summit. Starting from the base camp to the summit, we have to use our both hands to climb up. With the encouragement and support among us, we pushed ourselves to the limit even though we were tired and legs were full with Lactic Acid, made us feel the pain after the exhaustive climbing. At last, we reached the summit by 2.40pm. As the time was getting late, we must go down before 3pm. We stayed there for about 15min, and then we started to climb down. By then, unfortunately, my shoe tore off. With the heavy mist, and the wet mud, steep hill, it was even tougher for me. At 5.30pm, we met up with the other members who were still waiting us at the base camp, and we started to move down. By the time, everybody was extremely tired. I myself, almost exhausted on the way down. We move slowly, and the day was getting dark. We could just follow the trail with a small torch-light we had.
Finally, we managed to reach the registration office by 8.10pm. We changed our muddy clothes, and heading to grab some food.
It was quite a good experience. It reminded me the Mt. Kinabalu I climbed 3 years ago. I would say it is not less tough than that. Maybe I was not well prepared this round. Also, I learned a lesson here, if I were to go Gunung Tahan, I must be well trained in physically and mentality. Because Gunung Tahan climbing is like climbing Gunung Nuang for 5-6 days continuously from 8.30pm – 6 or 7pm daily. Now, one round up and down, my legs, knees and the joints all every painful already. Going up or down staircase, like killing me…arrrrr……..

Thursday, July 13, 2006


整理家里 PC 的 hard disk, 发现到这可爱的顽皮家伙小时的照片。这小瓜, 称自己为鹏鹏; 他,是我的表侄儿。他两三个月大时便由我妈看顾了。现今都快三岁了吧。除了睡觉,他没有一刻是停着的。觉得他比一般的小孩有点不同,他学东西很快,跑上跑下,蹦蹦跳跳,没有一刻能静下来的。不知道是不是一个 hyper-active 的孩子。每回看到这张照片,都会很自然的惠心一笑。因为这小家伙实在是太可爱了!
现在比较大了,爸妈也太疼护他了,所以也比较顽皮,比较难教了。希望现在回到他父母亲身边,能够被好好的调教,相信皆以时日,他会有一番作为的。当中也看到了我爸妈管教鹏鹏的一套,和我们三姐弟的思想有少许的不同。爸妈太保护他了。到今天,爸妈还是把我们三姐弟看成小孩般,处处为我们着想,保护我们。其实,我们都长大成人了,懂得分析事情,懂得照顾自己。说来惭愧,两老有福的话,早已盼到媳妇或女婿的一杯茶,又或者忙着把玩孙儿了吧! 哈哈!! 离家读书、工作都6 - 7 年了,还不会自己照顾自己,早已饿死街头了啦。。。
只希望 爸妈能放下一切,开开心心的过日子。得空到处走走,到处玩玩;不必再为我们几个担心了。大富大贵的日子可能难盼,但平淡安稳、三餐温饱的日子,我们姐弟都还能做得到吧!