Well, it’s been a while I don’t have such feeling. I’m happy I catch this feeling back again. I’ve been bogged down into a project for half a year. Now, I really can pull myself off from this. Today, I left office sharp on time, and I noticed that I drove back home with a smiling face all the way back home. My mood was really good, relaxing. Now, I even can just drop by Starbucks, order a cup of coffee, get myself a seat and start reading a book or online. I can spend hours there, that’s just too great feeling! I can clean up my rooms (messy for months), bath my babe car (2 months never wash too). FYI, I have not really rest since I came back from China.
I’m thinking to take a day leave on this coming Friday, want to go back Ipoh and celebrate birthday with my mum, although it’s already past, but better than nothing =) Wanna spend more time with my parents.
Also, I hope I can spend more time on blogging too. This is one of the ways I let my friends updated with my latest news =) Well, this is also a way for me to catch the latest news from someone.
Oya, before I forget, my little tortoise, Dee Dee, also followed her partner, left me out without giving me a reason. I supposed to blog this down, but just because too busy; I don’t have time to do so. Dee Dee passed away on 8th of April. Actually I already observed that she had been stop eating for nearly a week. After that, she just… bye bye… sob...sob... I buried it together with Danny, in front of my home yard. At least they will not be too lonely under the peaceful land.
Alright, I hope I can keep this feeling all the way. Do things I like, love all I have… great life!!! Hope everyone around me the same, too.
p/s: oya, today 1st of July, birthday of a friend....Happy Birthday, OSH!!!
4 months ago
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